Fraud Blocker Rebecca Manley | Divorce Solicitors Liverpool | Family Law Solicitors Liverpool

Rebecca ManleySenior Solicitor

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Rebecca graduated with Honours in Law from the University of Liverpool in 2011. As part of her training she advised across all areas of law including civil litigation and criminal law, before qualifying as a solicitor in family law, where she found her passion. Since then Rebecca has dealt with all types of complex family cases.

Rebecca has a particular interest in children law, where she has represented clients in cases involving child sexual abuse allegations, induced illness and non-accidental injury cases, in all courts including the Court of Appeal. She is also regularly instructed by the Office of the Official Solicitor and has worked with Leading Counsel (KCs).

Rebecca gained Higher Rights of Audience (civil proceedings) in 2014 and was accredited by the Law Society as a member of the Children Law scheme in 2018.

contact details

2nd Floor, Granite Building, 6 Stanley Street, Liverpool, L1 6AF

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